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Polymer Clay Play Day

Our polymer clay guild had an all-day retreat on Saturday. About 10 of us took over the house of our gracious hostess and worked on individual projects, watched demos on different techniques, and enjoyed snacks and too much food. We met new friends and got better acquainted with each other, and were just generally entertained and energized by the whole event.

Thanks to Penni Jo, our hostess, for all her hard work in putting this retreat together. Looking forward to the next one!

4 comments… add one
  • You are so right Mona, the old machine is on it’s last leg, so to speak. The new machine and wide rollers made the prep work for my class at the Fandango retreat so much better.

    Looking forward to seeing you all at the next meeting!!!!

    Penni Jo AKA Claylady43

    • That machine, and especially the motor, transformed my “clay life” completely. Now I can concentrate on actually making things instead of spend so much of my time conditioning clay. Here we are almost halfway through the year, and I have yet to see you at a meeting — you’re always on the go, somewhere or other!

  • Thanks! I have to give credit to Ruth for the photos, though — I brought my camera, but got so caught up in the action of the day that I totally forgot about it.

    I’m so happy you got a “Mona-fied” pasta machine and motor — your old motor was looking a little sad and tired at the retreat!

  • Myra,
    what great pics and write up! Makes me eager to get started on next year’s retreat.

    BTW, after seeing your Monified pasta machine and motor, I was encouraged to get my own. It came today and is a great machine!

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